Tomislav Marcijuš
Title ︎︎︎ Adriatic Nostalgia
"Adriatic Nostalgia" is a photographic project that delves into the spheres of identity and preservation of memories of summer youth. The aesthetics of my Adriatic coast, which I have been showing in my photos for the last few years, is a feeling that arose through the summers I spent on various islands and places along the coast.
I was born in Osijek, the eastern part of Croatia, and my family comes from Baranja. Every summer vacation, we traveled to the Adriatic Sea; they loved that way of life. This is the greatest love for them, even today. The experiences you often go through as a child remain a part of you forever but are somehow stronger when you become aware of them in more mature years. These photos are the impressions that summer and vacation left on my youth. Hotel complexes still have the same smell from the Yugoslavian era: the smell of fresh fish on the waterfront, the scent of pine trees and fresh fruit, and the ferry's interior. These are photographs through which nostalgia lives.
Man changes over the years, and everything around him, but the sea seems to remain the same; only for you, it means something else. As a child, I left all my energy in the sea while jumping off piers and diving underwater. Now, the Adriatic means something else to me. Now I come there to talk to him and let all the bad thoughts and feelings into the water so the sea takes them somewhere far away.
The Adriatic Sea was a place of escape for my deceased grandmother and my mother during the Croatian Homeland War. After that, the Adriatic became the only place for an annual vacation. It is one big surface area to which you often say "Never again," and then you return to it again. The Adriatic days are one of the most beautiful days of my youth, so I still love to swim far in that blue.
I was born in Osijek, the eastern part of Croatia, and my family comes from Baranja. Every summer vacation, we traveled to the Adriatic Sea; they loved that way of life. This is the greatest love for them, even today. The experiences you often go through as a child remain a part of you forever but are somehow stronger when you become aware of them in more mature years. These photos are the impressions that summer and vacation left on my youth. Hotel complexes still have the same smell from the Yugoslavian era: the smell of fresh fish on the waterfront, the scent of pine trees and fresh fruit, and the ferry's interior. These are photographs through which nostalgia lives.
Man changes over the years, and everything around him, but the sea seems to remain the same; only for you, it means something else. As a child, I left all my energy in the sea while jumping off piers and diving underwater. Now, the Adriatic means something else to me. Now I come there to talk to him and let all the bad thoughts and feelings into the water so the sea takes them somewhere far away.
The Adriatic Sea was a place of escape for my deceased grandmother and my mother during the Croatian Homeland War. After that, the Adriatic became the only place for an annual vacation. It is one big surface area to which you often say "Never again," and then you return to it again. The Adriatic days are one of the most beautiful days of my youth, so I still love to swim far in that blue.
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