Kinga Owczennikow
Title ︎︎︎ All Photographs Frame the World
"Framing the World" presents photographs with internal frames that sharpen focus on the world and refine viewers’ understanding of viewing—of both the world and photographs. In Owczennikow’s photographs, internal frames can attract and resist, reveal or deceive, imply their own limitations. Even imply viewers’ limitations, the cognitive frames through which they process the world. If at first glance the photographs here seem retrograde and humble, the internal frames make them subtly, sometimes even sneakily postmodern, savvy about their devices and about viewers’ assumptions and expectations that are occasionally confuted. "Framing the World" moves from simplicity to sophistication in its four far-from-mutually exclusive sections. “Formal Framing” includes photographs of found forms that look like picture frames. “Structural Framing” has photographs of frames, such as windows or doors, that exist within larger man-made worldly structures. “Meta Framing” includes minimalist, obscure, distorted, enigmatic, deconstructive, and auto-framing photographs in which framing becomes an explicit subject of—not just a device in—the images. “Critical Framing” includes formal, structural, and meta framing to take increasingly active positions on the world framed, particularly the natural world.
- by Tom LeClair
- by Tom LeClair
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